Mission and Values

Giving and community service are important parts of our value system at Annunciation, as is the strong foundation of friendship which strengthens the fabric of this service.  The congregation gives financial support to multiple outreach missions, and, through our corporate worship and our ministry to one another, Annunciation’s church family supports the ministry of all its parishioners, many of whom are active in numerous service organizations outside the Church. We understand the Christian witness of individual members as an important component of our outreach.  Many parishioners, including relatively new members, are also active in a wide variety of lay ministries within the Church.. Furthermore, the choice to have another church share our facilities represents a deliberate ministry and stewardship decision that allows another congregation to share its ministry and live its own Christian mission in our area.

We are proud of our history and tradition, but we are also aware that our mission, like the Church itself, is a living entity which must evolve and change if it is to remain vital.  We continue to engage in dialogue about core values, mission, and ministry, and expect to continue this process after calling a new priest to Annunciation.


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